

Mountain Zen Shiatsucropped-raymond-headshot-1.jpg
is the private practice of shiatsu therapist A. Raymond Johnson, a Certified Practitioner with the American Organization of Bodywork Therapies of Asia (AOBTA). Since opening his mountain practice in 2013, he’s served a wide range of clients while developing a focus on people living with insomnia, chronic pain, stress disorders, trauma & PTSD. Raymond teaches workshops at his alma mater, Zen Shiatsu Chicago. He also produces music under the name Purple Fluorite, and his latest album, The Five Movements, is a healing journey of ambient sounds based on Five Element theory and chanting The Great Compassion Dharani.  

Raymond has a B.A. in Environmental Science from Northwestern University and an MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University Los Angeles. He grew up in the Atlanta area, then lived in Chicago for 17+ years (including 9 months in a Zen Buddhist temple) before moving to western North Carolina. He also is a Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist (NC #13209).

Follow Mountain Zen Shiatsu on Facebook or Twitter for special deals and how to get a free sample treatment! Contact me directly(828) 581-9369 or mountainzenshiatsu@gmail.com

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I’m also an ordained internet minister who’s happy to create and lead rituals & ceremonies to honor your life events.

My Universal Life Church Ordination



Poem by Hafiz

Disclaimer: The information in this website is shared research from many sources and is for general informational purposes only. It is meant to complement your journey towards health and healing and is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this site – instead, bring up the topic to your doctor explicitly and see what their opinion on the matter is! Energy healing can be quite complimentary to western treatments and many traditional doctors are becoming more versed in alternative therapies for their patients. I am not a doctor, only a licensed and certified bodyworker who believes in empowering myself to engage with my own professional healers regarding my body, and I enjoy helping others do the same.

All photos by A. Raymond Johnson, unless stated otherwise. Feel free to link back or share any images or quote any text you like, please be courteous and open about it.

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